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2021-12-15 15:06:48浏览: 1336


The 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games will be held in Beijing.  This makes Beijing the first city in the world to host both Summer and Winter Olympic Games. Some new sports buildings, like National Speed Skating Oval, will be built employing spatial structures with innovation. Besides, sports facilities built for 2008 Summer Games, like National Stadium (Birds Nest) and National Aquatic Center (Water Cube) will be refurbished and capitalized on the legacy from 2008. Either old or new, all the construction will integrate long-term benefits of sustainability.


The annual symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures(IASS 2022)will be affiliated with 13th Asian-Pacific Conference on Shell and Spatial Structures (APCS 2022). Special sessions pertinent to issues in Asian-Pacific area will be organized.



The theme of the symposium covers all aspects of shell and spatial structures and will include but not limited to the following topics:

  1. Legacy of antiquity spatial structures: historical review, projects, introduction and modern exploitation;
  2. Reuse of refurbished facilities integrating legacy and sustainable benefits;
  3. Innovation in shell and spatial structures: concepts, models, aesthetics, new projects;
  4. Analysis: form-finding, static and dynamic analysis, nonlinear behavior, stability;
  5. Design: computing methods, computer-aided design, wind effects, seismic analysis and design;
  6. Construction: materials, construction method, project management, economic impact;
  7. Sports, exhibition and transportation buildings, relics site protection, type-choosing, history review, functional requirements, engineering practice, projects introduction;
  8. Disaster mitigation: wind- and earthquake-induced vibration control, seismic isolation, fire protection, blast prevention, maintenance and rehabilitation.



As requested by President Lázaro, all IASS Working Groups are preparing to organize sessions in the Symposium. Individuals and groups are welcome to propose new sessions, please contact the Organizing Committee.



The symposium will be held on 19 - 23 September 2022 at Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China.



John Abel(USA) Hiroshi Ohmori(Japan)
Gorun Arun(Turkey) Sergio Pellegrino(USA)
William Baker(USA) Ekkehard Ramm(Germany)
Michael Valentin Balz(Germany) Masao Saitoh(Japan)
John Chilton(UK) Shizhao Shen(China)
Shilin Dong(China) Brian Smith(UK)
José Manuel Gálligo Estévez(Spain) Narendra Srivastava(Canada)
Manfred Grohmann(Germany) R. Sundaram(India)
Shiro Kato(Japan) Jin-Guang Teng(China)
Tien Lan(China) Yeong-Bin Yang(China)
Carlos Lazaro(Spain) Yigang Zhang(China)
Rene Motro(France) Xuhong Zhou(China)


Su-Duo Xue(China)----Chair of the scientific committees

Sigrid Adriaenssens(USA) Minjuan He(China) Juan Gerardo Oliva Salinas(Mexico)
Pilar Alaejos Gutiérrez(Spain) Jianhui Hu( China) John Orr(UK)
Olivier Baverel(France) Hongzhi Hu(China) Ruy Marcelo De Oliveira Pauletti(Brazil)
S. Alireza Behnejad(UK) Dada Huang(China) Sergio Pellegrino(USA)
Kai-Uwe Bletzinger(Germany) Tian-Jian Ji(UK) Olga Popovic Larsen(Denmark)
Philippe Block(Switzerland) Ken'Ichi Kawaguchi(Japan) Arno Pronk(Netherlands)
Annette Boegle(Germany) Seungdeog Kim(Canada) Alberto Pugnale(Australia)
Andrew Borgart(Netherlands) Jae-Yeol Kim(Korea) Hongliang Qian(China)
Jianguo Cai(China) Sudarshan Krishnan(USA) Jie Qin(China)
Wujin Chen(China) Carlos Lazaro(Spain) Edmond Saliklis(USA)
Zhihua Chen(China) Dong-Woo Lee(Korea) Guojun Sun(China)
Kok Keong Choong(Malaysia) Seung-Jae Lee(Korea) Tomohiro Tachi(Japan)
Jeroen Coenders(Netherlands) Xiongyan Li(China) Toru Takeuchi(Japan)
Jiachun Cui(China) Yaming Li(China) Romuald Tarczewski(Poland)
Pierluigi D’Acunto(Switzerland) Zhongli Li(China) Petr Vegh(Canada)
Niels De Temmerman(Belgium) Haiwang Li(China) Yuanqing Wang(China)
Hua Deng(China) Julian Lienhard(Germany) Xiuli Wang(China)
Jiemin Ding(China) Richard Jat Yuen Liew(Singapore) Jinzhi Wu(China)
Alberto Domingo(Spain) Peter Lim(Australia) Yue Wu(China)
Andreas Falk(Sweden) Feng Liu(China) Minger Wu(China)
Feng Fan(China) Zhonghua Liu(China) Xinan Xiang(China)
Ruoqiang Feng(China) Yaozhi Luo(China) Yi-Min Xie(Australia)
Yuan Feng(China) Bin Luo(China) Tetsuo Yamashita(Japan)
Günther H. Filz(Austria) Xinglong Luo(China) Qingshan Yang(China)
Corentin Fivet(Switzerland) Massimo Majowiecki (Italy) Yaxiong Yao(China)
Charis Gantes(Greece) Marisela Mendoza(UK) Qilin Zhang(China)
Jiling Gao(China) Marijke Mollaert(Belgium) Jingyao Zhang(Japan)
Christoph Gengnagel (Germany) Caitlin Mueller(USA) Yang Zhao(China)
Jinghai Gong(China) M Yussof Mustafasanie(Malaysia) Jian Zhou(China)
Lei Gu(China) Shoji Nakazawa(Japan) Dai Zhou(China)
Qinghua Han(China) Mogens Nielsen(Denmark) Guangen Zhou(China)
Gengzan Han(China) Makoto Ohsaki(Japan) Zhongyi Zhu(China)
Reinhard Harte(Germany)    


Engineers, architects, researchers and anyone interested in shell and spatial structures are invited to submit abstracts of 300-400 words in English and participate this Symposium.

Please log in the symposium website to download the abstracts template.




Hangai Prizes annually recognize talented young researchers, designers, and engineers under the age of thirty who working in the field of shell and spatial structures. This recognition is achieved by selecting outstanding submissions to the Annual IASS Symposium in the form of research papers, resumes of design projects, or presentations of innovative ideas. For more information, please check the Hangai Prize website (



Submission of abstracts:                         Jan. 31, 2022

Notification of preliminary acceptance:      Feb. 28, 2022

Submission of final papers:                          Apr. 30, 2022

Notification of final acceptance:                 May 31, 2022



Internationally recognized and celebrated artists, designers, engineers, and researchers in cooperation with top universities from all over the world are invited to participate in a contest and exhibition of innovative lightweight structures. The structures must display a strong vision of structural design and innovation. They should demonstrably be the result of structural engineering focused research projects. It is our ambition to have an exhibition that shows new insights on structural typologies, through the design of a pavilion. The pavilions will be exhibited during the IASS/APCS 2022 Symposium in Beijing. During the conference, the jury of the contest, will award a prize to the most innovative realized structure. For more information please see:



Social events will be organized for participants and accompanying persons including a welcome reception, a gala dinner, technical visits and other events. Beijing sightseeing tours will be arranged for accompanying persons. All meals including lunch and supper will be served in the Symposium.



Chair: Prof. Su-Duo Xue (BJUT)


Assoc. Prof.  Jin-Zhi Wu (CASS)

Prof.  Feng Liu (CABR)

Prof.  Qing-Shan Yang (CQU)

Prof.  Feng Fan (HIT)

Prof.  Qing-Hua Han (TJU)

Prof.  Qi-Lin Zhang (TONGJI)

Prof.  Yao-Zhi Luo (ZJU)







    Abstracts Template


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